I’m leaving for Visby for a conference tomorrow, so I spent the evening fixing some really annoying bugs on my webpage. The responsive menu did not place itself correctly when it appeared. There was also and issue with that the content of projects leaked over on the left side, adding a transparent column of nothing. I managed to remove these ugly bugs and also made more of the menu text readable by changing the color of it. I also took the time to change to a more fitting background gif, though I really need to make my own if I’m going to keep it. : P I also adjust the background so that it fills the screen.
In the future I need to fix the text so that it is nicely aligned horizontally everywhere (it’s leaning to the left for some reason now) and make the background parallax. I also need to look into the design of my vertical scroll bars in the start page so that the look nice on both mobile and desktop environments. :)