Founder’s keeping up!

I won’t lie, between adding final feature to make the game playable and having all the team’s effort represented, making it back to home before the ending ceremony and hosting the final scheduled session, things were a bit tight.

You can play and view the jam submission here:

But everything worked out, and not only was Founder’s Keep playable, the event ended up being really smooth throughout. More participants than ever before on top of that, what a blast!

I’d like to thank my talented team mates Sara and John without whom the game would not have ended up as sweet as it did.

Sara is a multi-talented artist who composed and wrote for Founder’s Keep and you can find her sound track here:
She’s also a freelance poet, painter and musician, she even has a IMDB page!

John has a passion for 3D art and is also a indie game dev, you can find some of his work at his Instagram: