Another fun little annual event has come to an end, the RISE Interactive Gothenburg Christmas party. I tried to get it ready last year, but this was the party where Enbarr mac Lir finally worked fairly well. I took awhile, and there are still some things to be done, but thanks to the progress made up till the AHA festival it is at least similar to what it should be.
There were several new and interesting aspects to this Enbarr session. Firstly, Gabriella returned to design a new christmas themed track. Cool, because she is more into fine arts than game development. She made an excellent track though, it was really fun to host a guest designer.
Secondly, I managed to get a few kids to play against each other. This was a bit challenging, as kids lack the strength to play this game (which is actually very physical).
Happy holidays, looking forward to meet friends and family!