Global game jam 2021

The global game jam remains a high point of the year for me. Last one was before the pandemic broke out, even before we started elbow bumping in Sweden. This year it is remote, and even before the event I was pretty sure I wanted to continue on my and WebGL exploration that started in the Zero hour game jam last fall.

I have formed a team with two others, one who wants to do 3d art and maybe some code and one who wants to compose music. That should work out nicely, I just hope that I can get their content into the game that between organizing the jam, spending some time with the family and building with fairly new material it will end up being a playable game.

Well, so far so good. There is a basic layout following the concept and at least communication with the server. The jam kick-offs have also been very smooth. I think this weekend will be a lot of fun! : )